
Things that are better than...

I sit at my desk lightly clearing my throat followed by a swallow when I feel it..the beginning stage of a sore throat. You know that feeling...the feeling that this sore throat will rapidly spiral down into an all out head cold. I sit there imagining myself a few days from now, surrounded by mountains of used tissue. Nose all flaky and red from the nose rubbing and already cursing myself for getting the cheap version and not kicking in the extra few cents for the aloe tissues.

The only way I can ease my anxiety, is to make a list of things that are better than a sore throat (that will turn into a cold):
  • Left over baptismal cake brought into work by colleagues (sugary frosting always soothes the hurt)
  • When my dad hugs me so hard it cracks my back
  • The term "stupid fresh"
  • When I go to Sheboygan for the weekend and my Mom makes breakfast and coffee for me in the morning
  • Getting that special corner space in the gym where I can do my balance squats without people's judgey "you're doing it wrong" eyes
  • Cuddling with my nieces and nephews (who were probably the ones that got me sick, but whatevs)
  • Leaving work at 5 pm and it being pitch black outside (I actually hate this, but even this is better than the stupid sore throat)
  • Stealing candy from my nieces' and nephews' Halloween stash. Haha, suckas!
  • Everything else in the world!
 Excuse me while I chug water, Vitamin C, hot tea, and anything else to ward off the doom!

1 comment:

Tippy said...

Aww we love you too! Every time you come here you get sick...except nobody here has had that kind of sick..although Gabe had a runny nose today.