
Who has been having some bad luck lately? Oh yeah, that would be me.

I'll admit, some of the "bad luck" has been partially my fault (not giving ample notice to my landlord that I was moving thus ending in me paying for September rent plus 10% increase) but everything else has been just bad situation after another bad situation.

First I lose my job, two months before my lease for my apartment ends. Horrible timing for job and apartment hunting (both which are sucking...a lot).

Getting denied weeks of unemployment, for mistakes on my old job's part.

Getting big bill one after the other.

And now my car. The brakes have decided to stop working today. Tomorrow I had two appointments which were basically one after the other at different points in Milwaukee. I won't be able to get my car back until the day after tomorrow (with a hefty bill, may I add). So I have to cancel one of them and take the bus to the other appointment.

And as I write this, I have someone looking at my apartment and wondering if I could leave earlier. I'm so desperate for someone to rent it out, that I said I would think about it.

All these things are not horrible, just extremely inconvenient. Don't worry, I am just waiting for the day that I am told I have some incurable disease.


Anonymous said...

You need to make a post, I miss your blog!

Frankie said...

I can somewhat understand. My days have been getting worse by the minute. I hope things get better and take care!