
I...think I...like The Departed?

Ok, so just seeing the previews for The Departed a year or so back, I totally wrote it off as a stupid crime thriller. Today I walked into my sister watching the movie. She was about 30 minutes into it and told me what had happened so far, and it actually seemed a lot more complex and interesting than I first presumed. So many lies and betrayals, it's like a straight man's soap opera (well, after professional wrestling, I should say).

However, because I started watching it 30 minutes in, and because so many people were revealed as "rats" (also, I wasn't really paying attention to names or faces of the minor characters) I ended up being a little confused at the end. Which is weird because it doesn't seem like a confusing movie. I wasn't confused by Usual Suspects, which so many people thought was confusing. If I re-watched it from the beginning, I think I would appreciate it more.

So, when The Departed won the Oscar for Best Motion Picture, I didn't get it. Now, I can kind of sort of get it. Kudos Scorsese.

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