
The wisdom of children

While reading Post Secret today, I came across this quote:

"Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Kids amaze me. Not so much for their knowledge, but for their questions. These questions are the ones that adults never really think about or questions that they don't ponder and just accept some answer that they were fed to them as children. In reality, children are probably they best socratic philosophers (with their endless "why"s). I think a brilliant example is from my childhood, the genius is my sister.

We were getting tucked into bed by my father when my sister asked him, how he knows that God exists. No one can really quite remember what my dad's answer was, but we think he probably gave some speech about not having physical evidence that God exists, but one must have faith in something that they cannot see, or you can see God exists in miracles, blah blah. After he was done, he said his good nights and my sister turned to me and said, "That means he doesn't know."

The next time a kid asks you a question, really think about the appropriate answer to give them, because they listen and remember everything you say.

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