
Today feels like suck 'aka' Emo is the new goth

I hate rainy, dreary weather. I especially hate it when I am already in a bad mood. I blame the 24 hour coverage of the VA Tech massacre, and my willing viewing of said coverage. Whenever something this sad happens on a national or world scale, I always seem to be drawn in to the stories of the victims and the perpetrator (I go and read the Crime Library website for fun). The human psyche fascinates me. I think I missed my calling as a criminologist. However, if I did decide to go into the field of studying crime, I would probably be in a constant mood that I am experiencing now, the mood of 'blah.' The fact that there are people out there that do things like this makes me depressed. What makes me even more depressed, is that the situation even occurring doesn't shock me.

Perhaps my mood also has to do with now not having anything to occupy my spare time. Before I was constantly worry and/or planning my sister's baby shower, which just occurred this past weekend, sans any great disaster (woohoo). This may sound weird, but I am one of those people that needs something to worry about, in order to function properly. I am like my cousin's baby, who constantly walks around looking busy, busy, busy but really has nowhere important to go or see. When I don't have anything to do, I realize my life is boring. However, in light of recent events, boring feels fine.

I once read somewhere that Sagittarians (my sign) are energetic and optimistic people. However they get bored easily, and when they do get bored they also get pessimistic and moody. At the time I was reading that I didn't believe it (mostly because I never see myself as energetic or optimistic), but I kind of do now.

Yes, today is a day that I sadly stare out of my rain-streamed window with my chin in hands. Ho-hum. Hopefully my America's Next Top Model date with my friends will make me feel better.

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