
Just some random thoughts

I saw Clinton this morning on Today this morning and he was speaking about the people in New Orleans. I noticed that he was wearing Mardi Gras beads. I immediately thought in my head, with a childish giggle...oooOOOooo I wonder how he got those beads.

While I was on the phone at work (with a potential resource I could use to run a presentation) I asked her "So what exactly is it that you do do?" Once again childish giggle, but only inside my head...because I am mature.

I hate it this time of year. I am rarely outside, due in great part to school, or this year, work. So the result is, what little tan I did have, is slowly fading away. I usually end up getting this weird grayish color. Yeah, it's now slowly getting to that familiar grey color. I try to become very friendly with lotion around this time.

In the past two days it has been ungodly warm. In the 80's to be exact. Ummmm, it's October....in WISCONSIN! Not that I am sad about it, it just makes me mad because it's like a big old tease. I will be snapped back to reality when, according to what I believe I heard on the news this morning, it will be lightly snowing by the end of the week. Ah, only in Wisconsin.

Last night's episode of Law and Order SVU was pretty awesome. It was all about a phone call they can't trace coming from a little girl claiming to be sexually assaulted. The whole storyline (if I went into more detail and told all of it) was a little bit highly unlikely. But it still "had me on the edge of my seat." EW, I hate cliches like that but it is true. One major complaint: Where was Stabler? Did I miss this explanation? I miss the prettiness. SVU without Stabler is like a kiss without tongue. Acceptable but not great.

Did you ever notice that what you thought was funny two minutes ago, actually wasn't that funny? Along those lines, I realized that I am not as clever as I thought I was.

I am doing some hella promoting for Public Allies. Every non-profit that I meet through my placements, I mention that I am a Public Ally, and tell the non-profit that they too could have an Ally. I most say, I have been getting positive reactions.

Less than a year ago I was saying how I thought Neighborhood Watches don't work...and now I am trying to set one up for my placement. Hehe, lets see how it goes.

I am listing to them right now so it reminded me of this story. This band, in which I kind of knew the lead singer while in college, Big Big Furnace had this song called "All My Friends" or something like that. It is basically a list of names, song to music. I remember him (meaning the lead singer) telling me that some names were just people he met, but they happened to fit into the song. Heh, that would make people thinking the song was sweet think again.

I almost had a heart attack when I read this one for two reasons: it truly shocked/disgusted me, and I was shocked that I cared. Ok here it goes....Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise are having a child together. That's right a little baby "TomKat." I thought Tom Cruise was allegedly sterile. It makes me sick. In the news they should just title it, "HEY! Look at us! Remember...we are seeing each other. Please let us be in the news again." Ah, I am a sucker for celebrity news.

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