
Somewhere out there, there is someone weird like me

Look at It, Sitting There in That Box, Plotting, Plotting...
Man: Styrofoam... Just thinking of it sends chills up and down my spine. Man, I hate that stuff.
Overheard by: aaron

via Overheard Everywhere, Apr 15, 2007

I know how that man feels. I really like that website, and the other ones included in the header (Overheard in New York, Overheard at the Beach, Overheard in the office). It reminds me of stupid conversations I have had with my friends, which is overheard by someone standing by, would be totally misconstrued and/or thought of as nuts.

I found this through a link of a web page my friend sent me. That website is also awesome, probably because I love passive aggression. I think it is funny, and I unfortunately am guilty of it on more than one occasion.

Other links from that website:

Ban Comic Sans - I don't get the hate of the use of Comic Sans, but then again, I am not a tech geek.

My Crazy Roommate - I don't know, he sounds kind of randomly funny to me. Uh, I think I know too many people that are like that.

I'm just trying to find ways to distract myself from work and the job hunt, as when I do any other the latter, I tense up and feel like I'm about to have a panic attack. That's when I call the Mom, and she reassures me that everything will work out and that this is not the end of the world. I wish I could clone and shrink my mom, then I could carry around on my shoulder as that little voice that always tells me how good I am.

So far I have sent in a resume and cover letter for one position and filled out an online application for another. I don't feel to confident about either one, but as one of my former advisers recently told me in an email, take on the philosophy of, "High hopes, low expectations!" He, and so many other family and friends have been very encouraging. I'm really lucky to have so many people in my cheering section.

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