
"How you doing sweetheart?"

Normally I hate it when I am called sweetheart/baby/honey etc. by anybody, especially someone I don't even know. It makes me want to punch some faces. Maybe I took one too many woman studies classes/read too many feminist books, but I find those terms demeaning. I even tell my dad not to use those words on young women, even though he thinks it is a nice, personable thing to say. I just tell him, "No."

However, there is one person (outside friends and family) that I allow to call me sweetheart. That is "J", a tenant at my workplace. He is a young man with cognitive disabilities. Very sweet. He is one of a few tenants that automatically says hello and starts conversations with me, without getting accusatory or defensive. Yesterday he made my already good day. Here was our short conversation:

*Me walking towards my car. "J" and his mother walking to their apartment.*

J spots me: How you doing sweetheart?
Me: Good. How about you?
J: Good...You look real pretty today.
Me stopping: Aw. Thanks a lot.

I always need positive reinforcement, especially when it comes to my looks. The day was even made better, as when I got home I got my first call back for a job interview. Holler! Its always the "little" things that make me happy/excited.

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