
My Neck Brace Brings All the Boys to the Yard

T-Minus three days until my next doctor's appointment where I will find out if I can stop wearing the neck brace. I'm feeling good. I can't move my neck up, down or side to side but it's starting to feel normal. Like I've been this way for a long time and know how to adjust my movements. I'm looking forward to ditching the neck accessory...or am I?

I've been noticing I get more attention with the neck brace, especially from the male specimen. Such as:
  • Getting my drink paid for me by a strange man when out at the bar with friends. This rarely happens to me and it's usually when I have a hot friend by my side. And this time I was by myself while ordering my drink. Unfortunately I wasn't aware that the drink was free until after I ordered it. I should have gone with something more expensive! I thanked him, kept the conversation short before I excused myself because I just can't even at this time.
  • Getting hugged by drunk men at bars. Yes, this happened pre-surgery, but it's nice to know that drunk men are not deterred by the neck brace. They are so reliable!
  • Having a three year old boy hold my hand in the laundromat. I was waiting for my clothes to dry while striking up a conversation with him. I thought it would nice to distract him and help his mother focus on folding clothes (she was standing in front of me). I must of impressed him so much that he needed to hold my hand. I get them hooked at every age.
  • Getting cat-called for every single walk I take in my neighborhood. It's pretty clever of them to somehow reference my neck brace while hitting on me (while they are mostly in moving cars). Luckily I am really good at the "I'm pretending I can't hear you" walk-staring straight ahead. And yes, this was a total humble brag. I'm a pretty pretty princess but totally modest about it.
Although I really appreciate the attention (insert eye roll here) I think I would prefer not having a huge piece of plastic around my neck all the time. Wish me luck!

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