
Views From My Cubicle

I haven't updated this blog in a while for a couple of reasons:
  • Who blogs anymore when you can make minute by minute updates in a 140 character limit?
  • Up until a month ago I had a computer that was 8 years old. Looking at it made me sad so I avoided touching it.
  • I didn't have the internet to work my dinosaur computer (blame it on me being cheap and lazy, but a job promotion has made both a new laptop and internet necessary).
  • There is nothing to really blog about...unless you don't mind hearing about family and work. Interesting to me, but boring to everyone else.
Because I feel the need to post something and like I said in the last bullet point, all I talk about is work, please enjoy a montage I have title "Views From My Cubicle":

Some outdated pictures of my niece and nephew (Nice! I just made this a work AND family post).

People either get the reference or think I am both confused and conceited.

Yet another example of the mature and responsible woman I become.

This is my work station's H1N1's Prevention Station - provided by my employer. I haven't used either in months.

A plant that my old co-worker left in my care. Besides a rare shared drink from my water bottle I haven't touched it - as is evidence by the depleting soil and note that was left with the plant. Its still alive - kinda.

And finally, an actual view of downtown Milwaukee..from my cubicle.


Anonymous said...

Whoo-hoo! You're writing again!

The Blonde in the Office said...

I get the reference Mr. Manager ;)