
Rules of Riding the City Bus

I can't and don't want to drive to work. This is because parking on the street is out of the option (no room) and parking in the reserved structure would cost me nearly 60 bucks a month (on top of any parking I would pay for street/apartment parking). Plus I hate driving (even if it is a short distance). So instead of taking my companies discounted parking pass, I opted for taking the discounted bus pass (which I can use at anytime, even if it isn't work related).

When I was a kid, I took the bus every where. But riding the bus as a kid in a small city (with either of your parents with your) and riding as an adult female by herself in a city 10x the size of her hometown, are two entirely different kids. Here are the rules I have set for riding the bus in Milwaukee:

1. Have your money/pass ready upon entering the bus. Only doucebags hold up the bus by rummaging through their purse/bag/pockets for spare change.

2. If there are open benches, sit in an empty one as opposed to sitting right next to someone. This makes the person feel uncomfortable.

3. Wear earphones so that there is minimum interacting with other bus patrons. Also stare off to space and never make eye contact.

4. Don't sit in the handicap seats unless necessary. Also get your ass up if you see a senior citizen enter and there is no other sitting area. Your young legs can handle standing.

5. Be polite to the driver.

6. If bus is full, don't use the seat next to you for your bag, legs, hat etc. Allow someone to sit next to you. Once they are next to you, act as though they don't exist.

7. If person around you has distinct odor (ie. excess BO or cologne) act like you don't smell it. Its the polite thing to do.

To sum up. Be fast, efficient, polite and mind your own business.

Another quick story, while waiting for the bus one morning I witnessed a squirrel get run over by a car. It was surprisingly upsetting. I was shocked when I first saw it. I kind of looked like this:

OK. The story was true, but it was an excuse to post an adorable picture.

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