
Yeah, that's right...trust me with your 4-month old daughter...for an entire weekend!

My sister and her husband went on their one-year anniversary weekend get-away. They asked me to watch their daughter Lainie (since I live with them, and they didn't want her to be in a different environment). As it turned out, I didn't even really have to watch her by myself for that long.

I was suppose to start Friday after work. However I got a call from my brother Thursday night asking me to go to the Brewer's game with him on Friday night. I love me some Brewer's, so once I found out my mom was watching the baby, I said sure.

Here's the summary of the game. The Bratwurst won:

A girl wore socks with sandals:

I got myself my first Brewer's Bobblehead. Don Money:
The Brewer's lost, thus closing any chance at the playoffs:

It's ok Andy, they are a young team, there is always next year.

By the time I got home, Lainie was already asleep. My parents left, I turned on the monitor and went to sleep at around midnight. Lainie woke up at 6am, I played with her like a dazed, sleepless zombie and she was back down for her routine nap at 8:30am. So what did that mean for me? Naptime! Both of us got woken up by my parents who came to get us ready and take us to the Brewer's game (once again)! This was Lainie's first Brewer's game, so we got her dressed to impress:

Of course everyone thought she looked like a boy. As I was walking with her up the stairs, a man said, "Aw looks. He's going to be quite the slugger." I responded with, "Yes. Yes, SHE is."

So, our seats weren't the best. And by not he best, I mean were were in the last row we could possibly be in. But we still had fun:

Mostly we had fun because the Brewer's won, thus sealing a winning season. Hey, beggars can't be choosers. Oh, and the Italian Sausage won, no picture for this one.

That night, my parents stayed until Lainie fell asleep (it was my turn to do it this time). We all marveled at how well behaved she was the whole weekend. My parents left around 10, and I went to sleep shortly afterward. I woke up at around midnight to Lainie crying. As I walked down the hallway, I noticed that the door was open. My sister's cat, Iggy, had knocked open the door. When I walked into the room, I saw Iggy trying hard to cuddle up to Lainie, and she not taking any of it. Not only is Iggy a cuddle slut:

but he adores Lainie. I yelled at him, she got out, I soothed Lainie back to sleep.

Because she doesn't understand sleeping in on the weekends, she got up at 6 once again on Sunday. I groggily talked and played with her. This time she didn't take a nap (she was about to, until her mommy awoke her with a phone call informing me that she was coming home). When her parents came home, I stayed up long enough to inform them of her (and my) weekend and watch Brett Favre get his record breaking touchdown pass, before I passed out myself.

Overall, exhausting weekend, and I am still sure that I don't want kids (I like my sleep WAAAAAY too much). It was too hard, and I barely even really watched her. I'll just adore my niece and all future nieces and nephews:


Anonymous said...

You should put up the following pics with the captions:
(the one with her drooling and droopy eyes)"I am so hungry!"
(the one that looks superimposed)"This looks pretty tasty!"
(the one with her hand against her forehead)"I can't believe I ate the whole thing!"

Anonymous said...

We want a Hollie Blog! We want a Hollie! Hollie, I miss your (albeit sparse) blogs! Get the internet, or go to someone's house to write a blog once in a while. Would love to hear your blog version of your recent trip to Boston!

You Know Who!!

Anonymous said...

Oops, the second sentence should say "We want a Hollie Blog!"