
23, that is almost 25 which is almost half way to thirty

Yep, as of yesterday, I am officially the big 2-3. I know it is still really young. But I can't help feel like the past 5 years have gone by really quickly. At least today I was told I looked like a baby by one of the tenants of the building I work at.

My Godson, "sent" me a birthday card and I got it today. It is cute. There is a bunch of scribbles and my friend wrote next to it, "A Victor Francis original." Awww, so cute.

For those interested, for my birthday, I sat and watched my Arrested Development and am wallowing in the fact that it is being cancelled.


I wish it would stop snowing

It is not stopping. It feels like it has been snowing for days in a row. I always feel like it is too early in the winter season for it to be snowing, but it is December 8th. I guess that is late enough.

When I moved to Milwaukee, I was secretly hoping that it was going to be a mild winter. I have a long way to drive from my apartment to work, and I hate driving in rain and/or snow.

I think someone stole my hubcaps off my car. I am not mad, I just think it is funny. I have a standard 4-door 95 ford Taurus. I didn't put any special hubcaps on there. What is the use of them anyway. The only thing I don't like, is it looks ugly without it.


Packers are good at sucking and I am one sensitive baby

The Green Bay Packers are now 2-10. Meaning 2 wins and 10 loses. Holy crap. What a bunch of losers, literally. I can't even watch the games anymore because it is so depressing. Whenever they do post-game interviews with Brett Favre, I want to cry. He looks like he is always on the verge of tears. At least he can be a big boy about it and not blame others and admit that everyone is at fault.

I was watching Extreme Makeover: Household edition, and I was brought to tears. I mean, sobbing like a little baby tears. This was within the first 10 minutes of the show. It featured a young father (28ish) who had 3 young girls (6ish, 2ish and a baby). The girls' mother had just passed away a few months before. When the "crew" came to build a new house, they met the family to talk about their situation. When talking about the mother the 6 year-old's eyes started to water and then one of the host pointed it out and that sent the little girl to cry out loud. That's when I started. I can't imagine losing my mother now, as a 22 year-old let alone at the age of 6. That little girl is so cute, but you know that there is a lot of hurt in her. She had to grow up fast. A good thing about the show, is that they provided resources on where to go if you need grief counseling for not only adults, but kids as well.


Oprah...you just earned some coolness points

Oprah on David Letterman, asking about the basket of books she sent David's son, asked him what his favorite book was. She said her favorite is Love You Forever. Holla! I love that book. My whole family loves that book. Whenever someone has a baby shower, I buy that book. People, if you don't know this book, buy it! I am not even telling you to check it out or borrow it from the library, I am telling you that you must own it. If you have a heart, you will love this book.

"I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, As long as I'm living, My baby you'll be."